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Delaware Valley Fly Fishers Classes Register View Cart

Beginner Fly Tying Class: This class will cover 8 different fly patterns that are used though out the fishing season.  In class we will go over what tools are needed, the materials, how to tie the fly and what we are trying to imitate.  Tools and materials will be supplied in the classroom.  A Digital Beginner Fly Tying Manual is included in the class (to be printed at your home).  The use of Videos, Step by Step manual and hands on instruction will be used for this class, because each person learns differently.  The flies taught in this class are not only good to teach beginners but are proven fish catchers
Covered Flies: Woolly Bugger, Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Nymph, Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ear Soft Hackle Wet, Dark Cahill Wet Fly, Dark Cahill Dry Fly, Elk Hair Caddis, Black Nose Dace Bucktail Streamer, Dave’s Hopper
Class Instructors: 
Jerry Coviello, Fly Fishers International,Fly Tying Group Past Chairman
columnist for Fly Tyer Magazine and Fly Tying Field Editor for FFI Fly Fisher Magazine  and FFI Buz Buszek Fly
Tying Award Recipient
John Kaminski is a Fly Fishers International Fly Tying Group Member, Member of the Delaware Valley Fly Fishers and Silver Fly Tying Skill Award Recipient

Beginner Fly Fishing Class: Come find out what fly fishing is all about, learn the basics and what equipment is needed. Find out which knots to tie and use them, learn how to cast a fly rod.  Learn the basics of fly tying as we explain the flies that are needed for fly fishing and how to use them. This purpose of this class is to provide a student with a comprehensive understanding of fly fishing skills, to begin their lifelong learning of fly fishing. 
Class consists of two classroom instructions and one Saturday outdoors to teach Fly Casting

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Beginner Fly Tying Class 
15y - 99y N/A Tu  01/21/2025 - 03/18/2025
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Lindy Community Center
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
3 seat(s) available
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Beginner Fly Fishing Class 
15y - 99y N/A TuSa  03/25/2025 - 04/05/2025
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Lindy Community Center
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
3 seat(s) available
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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